Grey Gardens
This tea is dedicated to those drinkers that have a soft spot for classic British styled black teas, who might argue that an Earl Grey is the defining tea for any brand.
Whether you believe this assertion or not, classics ARE classics for a reason. They serve to build a foundation and work as a launch board to allow for further pursuits, and as with any creative endeavor, having a strong understanding of these classics are crucial.
Drawing inspiration from our roots in New York, along with a belief in a world that stretches past the aesthetic of the new, where beauty can be found in a weathered house or its grounds grown wild; enter Grey Gardens stage right.
With notes of lemon sorbet, toffee and buttermilk biscuit, this aristocratic blend can be drank just as easily on its own or with a milk of your choice. Drink this cuppa, burn brightly and leave the faded glory for others to worry about.
Ingredients: Indian, Sri Lankan and Chinese black teas, bergamot essential oil and double fold vanilla extract.
Brewing instructions - Use 2 level teaspoons per 8 oz of water. Add 212F water and steep for 6 minutes.